(323) 964-5454 info@miraclemilechamber.org

GMMCC December Lunch Reconnect for the Holidays

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GMMCC December Lunch Reconnect for the Holidays

  • Miracle Mile Admin
  • February 7, 2025
  • Virtual
  • 11:30am to 01:00pm

Please join us to Reconnect for the Holidays!

Thursday, December 16th, 11:30am – 1:00pm

Let’s be festive – wear your favorite holiday attire, create or find your holiday background, have your favorite bubbly and bring a special offer for your GMMCC friends. We will start with a good old-fashioned round table for you to announce your holiday offers and share updates on your business. Then we will follow with a special treat to lift your spirits! Oh, and a holiday raffle of course. Please RSVP today to be entered in the raffle.

And if you would like to donate an item for our raffle, please contact Chris at info@miraclemilechamber.org.

This year we will be supporting Fire Station 61 and the SPARK OF LOVE TOY DRIVE  please see details below

When: THURSDAY, November 16, 11:30m – 1:00 pm
Where: Virtually
GMMCC Reconnect for the Holidays!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 850 5509 3649
Passcode: Holiday
RSVP Today. Please RSVP by 10am on Dec 16th at 323-964-5454 or info@miraclemilechamber.org to be entered into the raffle. Looking forward to seeing all of you.


To keep you, firefighters and needy children safe, we strongly encourage your use of the process below, rather than trying to bring toy donations to a neighborhood fire station. The preferred process below is quick, safe, friendly and efficient. If you would still like/need to drop off you can go to Station 61: 5821 W 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90036.

To make sure no deserving child goes without a gift this holiday season, we have developed an easy-to-use system that delivers your chosen item directly to Toy Central for rapid processing and timely holiday delivery:

This year, please know that attempting to bring a donated toy to a fire station could delay its timely distribution. Instead, we kindly ask you to use use one of the ways mentioned above to donate. We thank you for helping make the holiday magic happen!

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