Welcome to the GMMCC Job Board. These are listings by Chamber members for possible employment.
If you are seeking employment, please contact the employer in the post when you respond.
If you are an employer and would like to list on our board please email: miraclemilemirror@gmail.com. Listings will stay posted for 3 months time. If you fill the position please let us know so we can remove the listing.
1. GMMCC Members may list employment opportunities at their offices on our new job board.
2. To list please send to miraclemilemirror@gmail.com the following:
Contact Name
Job Title
Job Description
Salary or (Contact us for salary range)
Phone number and email address
3. If the position has been filled please email miraclemilemirror@gmail.com and we will remove the listing.
4. When a new job is added we will e-blast the members that a new position is available on our job board. It will also be available for 24/7 viewing on our site.
5. Your listing will stay up for 3 months at a time unless you email us to remove it. It can be renewed after that 3 months and relisted.
6. As a Benefit – Members can bring their new hire as a free guest to the next Chamber Luncheon if you hire someone off of your listing on the Job Board.
We hope this helps grow and strengthen our business community with exceptional employees!
Please contact the editor of the Mirror, Chris Devlin, at miraclemilemirror@gmail.com and 323-899-1968 if you have any questions.