(323) 964-5454 info@miraclemilechamber.org

GMMCC October 2019 Luncheon

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GMMCC October 2019 Luncheon

  • Miracle Mile Admin
  • February 7, 2025
  • Original Farmers Market Third and Fairfax, Upper Seating Deck, Gate 1
  • 11:45am to 01:00pm

Autumn yum! Join us for the October GMMCC Round Table Luncheon and a special sampling of Farmers Market fare. This time at The Original Farmers Market luncheon attendees will be given a $15 Meal Voucher to sample vendors in the Original Farmers Market. There will also be a surprise dessert from one of the OFM merchants!

We will also be doing a classic Round Table Mixer so please prepare your 1 minute elevator pitch and bring plenty of materials and your Autumn offers.

Of course there will be the raffle and networking!

$25 for Members/ $30 for Non-Members

Luncheon Tickets

If you would like to donate a raffle item, please contact Meg at info@miraclemilechamber.org.

When: Thursday October 17 from 11:45a am to 1:00pm.
Where: The Original Farmers Market 3rd Street and Fairfax Avenue. Upstairs Seating Deck, Gate 1
Parking: Validated Farmers Market and Grove Parking
RSVP Required by October 15 so we can have a count for food and seating arrangements. You can RSVP at 323-964-5454 or info@miraclemilechamber.org.

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