Join us for the MMCC Luncheon at Breathe LA! We haven’t done a Round Table in a while so be prepared with your elevator pitch as we go around the room talking about our businesses. This is a great event to bring a guest to. Please also bring your Specials, Flyers and Business Cards. Who knows what new partnerships you will make at the MMCC luncheon.
If you have a prize for the raffle please contact Meg at 323-964-5454 or We will be giving away an ad in the Mirror.
Thank you and we hope you will join us!
$25 for Members, $35 Non-members
When: Thursday, May 12th, 11:45a-1:15p
Where: Breathe LA 5858 Wilshire Blvd. Ground Floor Conference Room
Parking: Street Parking
Please RSVP by May 9th so we can have an estimate for the catering and seating arrangements.
323-964-5454 or