(323) 964-5454 info@miraclemilechamber.org

Miracle Mile Mirror July 15 cover web

Advertise in the Miracle Mile Mirror

You can advertise in The Miracle Mile Mirror, the Chamber’s monthly newsletter, and reach over 150 businesses/residents in hard copy and over 350 digitally. The newsletter is a beautiful full color 6-10 page publication that comes out the first of every month unless the first falls on a weekend then it arrives on Monday. Ad space is very affordable and you can renew each month if you like.

Please follow the specifications below. Artwork that arrives the soonest gets the best placement in the Mirror.

Ads can be color or black and white.
Ads should be emailed in jpg or pdf files with a resolution of 300 dpi. Please do not send photoshop or other files as the font might change. Send to miraclemilemirror@gmail.com.

If you would like to advertise but need an ad designed we have that service available at an GMMCC rate.

Width x height, in inches 300 dpi
1/8 page  3.5 x 2 (size of a business card)
1/4 page 3.95 x 4.95
1/2 page 8.1 x 4.95 for landscape, 3.95 x 9.9 for portrait
Full page 8.1 x 9.9

Introductory Rates
Cost for 1 issue:

Cost for 1 issue:

1/8 page $30 GMMCC, $45 non-member
1/4 page $50 GMMCC, $65 non-member
1/2 page $100 GMMCC, $115 non-member
Full page: $200 GMMCC, $215 non-member
Special Full page Tarfest issue insert back – $250 GMMCC, $275 non-member

Make checks payable to: Greater Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce and send to:

Greater Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce 5858 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 205, Los Angeles, CA 90036
Attn: Mirror Advertising

Artwork should be emailed to : miraclemilemirror@gmail.com

The Deadline is typically the first Monday or Tuesday of the last week of the month for the following month’s issue. For example: art work will be due on Monday, Oct. 26th for the Nov. issues.

Your ad will appear in both the hard copy and the on line pdf on the GMMCC site.

Contact: Please contact the editor of the Mirror, Chris Devlin, at miraclemilemirror@gmail.com and 323-899-1968 if you have any questions.

* If it is a discount or coupon please indicate an expiration date if there is to be one.

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