(323) 964-5454 info@miraclemilechamber.org


for starter


for main course


for dessert

Legislative Business Assistance

The GMMCC works closely with City, State and Federal Officials. We provide a comprehensive list of contacts…

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Legislative Advocacy

The Chamber studies and takes position on city, county, state and federal issues. Our luncheons are…

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Monthly Luncheons, Socials and Events

Round Table and Speaker Series Luncheons are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at various locations…

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Newsletter and Email Alerts

Members receive the Miracle Mile Mirror - Our monthly print and online publication for members only…

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Ribbon Cuttings/Grand Openings

You are excited about your new business and so are we. The Chamber helps with your celebration and getting…

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Community Involvement

Active members form new business alliances and become familiar with local issues by getting involved…

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Free to do just about anything

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  • Creative design on desktop, tablet and mobile
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Legislative Business Assistance

The GMMCC works closely with City, State and Federal Officials. We provide a comprehensive list of contacts for the legislature in our district to aid you in your business needs to obtain permits and…

Legislative Advocacy

The Chamber studies and takes position on city, county, state and federal issues. Our luncheons are attended by representatives and field representatives from city, state and federal offices. The GMMCC…

Monthly Luncheons, Socials and Events

Round Table and Speaker Series Luncheons are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at various locations on the Miracle Mile. Members have an opportunity to speak about their business, network, and inform…

Hello! I'm Jack Cheng, a designer and former advertising copywriter. I've worked in technology off and on for over a decade, and have been thinking about its role in my life for even longer. I co-founded a startup called Memberly, and I've written articles and essays on topics like Habit Fields and

Joyce KleifieldFebruary 7, 2025

As the Director of a non-profit organization whose charge it is to help support…

Jane GilmanFebruary 7, 2025

Our membership in the Miracle Mile Chamber of Commerce has resulted in some great…

Pam RudyFebruary 7, 2025

The Miracle Mile Chamber is a true asset to me. As we prepare our annual March Miracle…

Yendless Possibilities The Only

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